The BUVAL loan allows you to borrow documents from any of the libraries of the five Valencian public universities (Universitat de València, Universitat Politècnica de València, Universitat d’Alacant, Universitat Jaume I, Universitat Miguel Hernández).

BUVAL is the consortium of the 5 Valencian public university libraries, formed to achieve greater coordination, a more efficient use of resources and improve the services provided.

Who can use the service?

This service, which is completely free of charge, is available to groups from the valencian public universities who have previously applied for the service:

  • Teaching and research staff (PDI) of BUVAL universities.
  • Administrative and service staff (PAS) of BUVAL universities.
  • Undergraduate and graduate students, master students and doctoral students from BUVAL universities.


How many documents and how long?

Loan period: 15 days.

Maximum number of items: 6.

Renewal: Up to 6 times or a maximum period of 3 months, if they have not been reserved by another user.

Reserves: According to the specific regulations of each library.


How to register for the service at the UPV?

The PDI, PAS and undergraduate, postgraduate, master’s and doctoral students of the UPV must register by filling out a form. Then, you will receive a confirmation email with information on the terms of service and how to access.

To use the service you must go to any of the libraries of the Valencian public universities with your ID card or university card.

Registration Form

BUVAL Search

When you type in Polibuscador the word or words to search for, If you select BUVAL Search a simultaneous search will be carried out in the catalogs of the five universities of the BUVAL Consortium.

Once the results have been obtained, the filter “Institution” allows you to display only the documents of the library you are interested in.

More information:

Simple search

Advanced search

BUVAL Search

Loan and return

Once you have received the confirmation email with the service registration, to borrow items you must go to any of the libraries of the Valencian public universities in person with your ID card or university card.

You can return the items at the same library or at any BUVAL library*. The user undertakes to return the loans within the indicated period.

* Libraries may establish measures that prioritize access to the institution’s own users during periods of high demand.


My Library

You can consult the items borrowed in the different universities in your personalized area, My Library. You can see your active loans and your loan history.

In case of late return of items, your account will be blocked for one day for each day of delay and for each document.