Access to external users

Access to facilities

Access to the UPV Libraries facilities is free except during certain periods when access is restricted to the UPV Community:

  • examns periods
  • weekends and holidays

These exceptions will be published in the  calendars of the UPV Libraries.

If you are not a UPV member

and you want to come to the library to study on weekends and holidays, you can apply to through  PoliSolicita. The Library will study each case.

This authorization is conditioned to compliance with the  regulations of the libraries of the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Step 1. Create your UPV Contact account

If you do not have a UPV account, please create one to access the application.

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Step 2. Fill in the form with all the data.

  • Personal data: DNI, NIE or passport, full name, nationality and date of birth.
  • Contact information: phone and e-mail.
  • Access data: library (Gandía or Central Vera), period and reason.ace