Opening hours

Normal hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 p.m.

Holidays and special opening hours. Consult the calendar:


Don’t miss the latest news of the UPV Libraries


The Agricultural Engineering Library has a collection of about 16,000 items including monographs, reference works, language books, maps and multimedia material. There is a collection of final projects and also a journal collection. The collection is classified in the room as follows table of contents.


Printed journals

The Agroingeniería Library has its own collection of paper journals. Most of the titles no longer receive new issues.

You can search any printed or electronic magazine at PoliBuscador > Journals

Final projects

The Final projects are organized in the Library in three collections:

  • Projects of the extinct ETSI Agronomists,
  • Projects of the extinct ETS of Rural Environment and Oenology
  • Degree adaptation projects

The Final projects can be found in PoliBuscador. Ask at the Library desk for consultation.

Spaces and equipment

It has an area of 600m2 with the following spaces and equipment:

Study room

100 study spaces

Group study rooms

The Agroengineering Library has 10 group study, whose loan will be preferential for ETSEAMN students. To make use of them, you must request them at the Library counter.


2 PoliLabs computers; 2 computers to consult Final Projects


If you have any questions, ask us!


Agricultural Engineering Library

Polytechnic University of Valencia
School of Agronomy and Environmental Engineering
3P Building
Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia (Spain)

Tel. 96 387 81 32 Ext. 78132

How to get there