Specific and Cross-curricular Training Activities

PhD in Languages, Literature and Culture, and their Applications

According to the applicable regulations, doctoral training shall include, in addition to the completion of the doctoral thesis, the performance by the doctoral student of specific and cross-curricular training activities.

Each training activity has a valuation in equivalent hours. The doctoral student will have to obtain a minimum of 600 equivalent hours in the development of the different training activities in order to present the thesis, of which at least 10 percent (60 hours) will correspond to cross-curricular training courses.

The evaluation in equivalent hours of each type of activity, as well as the maximum recognized evaluation, have been established by the Academic Committee of this Doctoral Program for its students.

BlockMin.Max.Hours per activity (max.)
SpecificConference attendance0Up to 45h per congress/scientific meeting
Participation in Congresses0Up to 90h per congress/scientific meeting
Publications0Up to 270h per publication
Mobility0Up to 180h per 15 days

Since this is an inter-university program, and in order to equalize the evaluation of the activities for UV and UPV students, taking into account the regulations of both universities, the evaluation of UPV students has been multiplied by a factor of 2.25 (equivalent to the quotient between the total number of hours required in each of the universities (540/240)).