Ramón Areces Foundation

Grants from the Ramón Areces Foundation for research and doctoral theses. Open calls: Life and Matter Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities. And grants for research in the Humanities.

  1. Grants for the realization of Doctoral Theses in Life and Matter Sciences 2024. This call is oriented towards the following priority areas: rare diseases, biomedicine, physics and mathematics, chemistry, biosphere preservation.
  2. Ramón Areces Foundation Grants for the completion of Doctoral Theses in Social Sciences 2024. Priority areas: economic analysis, commercial distribution, applied economics, law and economics, business economics, economic history, European Union law.
  3. Ramón Areces Foundation Grants for Doctoral Theses in the Humanities 2024. Areas: history, philosophy, Hispanic philology, Spanish literature, geography, digital humanities.
  4. 1st National Competition for the Awarding of Grants for Research in the Humanities – 2024 (call for applications open until October 16, 2024): the project must address a relevant Humanities topic, preferably in one of the following priority areas: – History – Philosophy – Hispanic Philology – Spanish Literature – Geography – Digital Humanities.