Grants from the Ramón Areces Foundation for research and doctoral theses. Open calls: Life and Matter Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities. And grants for research in the Humanities.
- Grants for the realization of Doctoral Theses in Life and Matter Sciences 2024. This call is oriented towards the following priority areas: rare diseases, biomedicine, physics and mathematics, chemistry, biosphere preservation.
- Ramón Areces Foundation Grants for the completion of Doctoral Theses in Social Sciences 2024. Priority areas: economic analysis, commercial distribution, applied economics, law and economics, business economics, economic history, European Union law.
- Ramón Areces Foundation Grants for Doctoral Theses in the Humanities 2024. Areas: history, philosophy, Hispanic philology, Spanish literature, geography, digital humanities.
- 1st National Competition for the Awarding of Grants for Research in the Humanities – 2024 (call for applications open until October 16, 2024): the project must address a relevant Humanities topic, preferably in one of the following priority areas: – History – Philosophy – Hispanic Philology – Spanish Literature – Geography – Digital Humanities.