Cultural Action Area
Affiliated with the Vice-Rectorate of Art, Science, Technology, and Society, the Cultural Action Area aims to promote culture as a tool to strengthen social cohesion, interdisciplinary collaboration, and comprehensive education. The mechanisms articulated to achieve this goal include:
- Promoting participatory culture and supporting initiatives from the university community, with special attention to those linked to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Sharing artistic expressions on the UPV campuses through a network of exhibition spaces.
- Facilitating the comprehensive education of the university community through the Cultural Passport: Optional training activities with credit recognition in UPV undergraduate studies.
- Promoting initiatives that involve the public in research activities through the Citizen Science Program.
- Encouraging synergies between Art, Science, Technology, and Society through artist residencies in UPV research laboratories.
- Creating new hybrid spaces on UPV campuses for interdisciplinary learning, open culture, collaborative practices, and social innovation.
- Doors Open Performing Arts ClassroomFebruary 11, 2025. First screening: 6.30 p.m., second screening: 8.30 p.m. Nave de Ensayos Campus de Vera.
- Perekhrestya audio presentationPresentation of the audio-book “Paseando por Valencia. Historical-cultural crossroads”. January 31st, 2025.
- Resolution PC_ACTS and P_CC 2025PC_ACTS 2025 and P_CC 2025 resolutions published.
- Hotel Paris. Tribute of the UPV to Vicent Andrés EstellésFebruary 12, 2025 at 7 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Fine Arts UPV
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