UPV Exhibition Spaces Network

We want to encourage the use of the UPV’s exhibition spaces and make them accessible to the entire university community.

Students can show the work done in different subjects to the university community, especially seeking to promote synergies so that students, PDI and PAS of a center can learn about the work being done in other centers. Research groups and centers can show the results of their R&D projects. Exhibition projects whose themes are of interest to the university community can also be presented.

The call for applications will be open for the entire course. It will only be necessary to fill in the request and send it by email to cultura@upv.es and to the Contact that appears in the selected space. Applications will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis and will be approved, or not, after a meeting with those responsible for the Cultural Action Area and the exhibition space.

Applicants are responsible for carrying out the exhibition and, upon completion of the exhibition, leaving the space in the same condition as it was previously.

The Vice Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society provides guidance templates for posters and publications, as well as support in the management of resources.