Course 2022-23
PC_ACTS 2023
- Presentation of the book-guide “Paseando por Valencia: encrucijadas históricos-culturales” at the EOI Valencia
- Cultural project “Perekhrestya” Campus UPV Gandia
- Cultural project “Perekhrestya” campus Alcoy
- Perekhrestya
- Queer Models
- A.G.L.A.
- Disordered by Manual
- YUTalks 2023
- Polytechnic Dialectics
- Bio&Urbe
- Design for change
- ODS in Short 2023
- NEXO Platform
- An evening at the opera
- Vermouth + Xarrada with Lluís J. Liñan
- Textile manufacturing workshop
- 4th Conference on Valencian hidden heritage
- Book Day
- Glass blowing
- Create and Recycle
- Retropolis
- Bread dough processing
- Mathematics in dance
- Illuminates the Past
- PC_ACTS 2023
- Training courses for the cultural sector
- Julieta dislodged
- Generation of images from text
- Public speaking
- AR, VR and XR technologies
- 3D environments for the metaverse
- Aula Teatro. Open Doors
- Photography and sculptural heritage
- Artistic mediation
- Datathon 2022 – Art and Culture
- Initiation and discovery of the theater
- Bedroom Producers: Electronic Music in the 21st Century
- Performing Arts Classroom
- Poetry Classroom “POLIMNIA 222”.
- Europe Day Concert 2023
- Dolçaina and Percussion Group Concert
- Concert of the Chamber Group
- Solidarity concert
- Dolçaina and percussion
- UPV Choir
- Christmas Concert
- New Year’s Eve Concert
- UPV Choir 20 years
- 28 Festival Novembre Jazz UPV
- Jazz Combo
- Choir entrance exams
- UPV Music: information and registration
- Europe Day Concert 2022