Other aid

Call for La Caixa-Severo Ochoa Doctoral Fellowships

By resolution of March 17, 2014, of the Presidency of the Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, a selective process is called for the coverage of Doctoral Scholarships, for the completion of the Doctoral Thesis at the Instituto de Tecnología Química.

You can find all the information in the following link.

Pre-doctoral grants – Fundación Banco Sabadell

Banco Sabadell Foundation announces grants for researchers who are in the last phase of the thesis process.

Banco Sabadell Foundation announces grants for researchers of Spanish nationality who are in the last phase of the process of completing their doctoral thesis at a Spanish university or scientific center. The scope of application of the grants is exclusively in social sciences and humanities.

The Grants are intended to finance research work, stays in Spanish or foreign universities or scientific centers and other activities related to the completion of the doctoral thesis. The Foundation will especially value those works that help to understand the great cultural, economic, political or social challenges of our time or that are capable of significantly broadening the field of knowledge to which they belong.

You can access the complete rules and application form on the website of the Banco Sabadell Foundation, section Calls / research grants (https://www.fundacionbancosabadell.com/convocatorias/#ayudas-a-la-investigacion ).

PhD Position call: UPV-European Commission’s Joint Research Center (JRC)

The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) as part of the Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) with the European Commission’s Joint Research Center (JRC) is looking for a highly motivated candidate for a PhD position in Machine Learning (ML). The position has a special focus on fairness, transparency and accountability of ML, Natural Language Processing and Social Media Sentiment Analysis. The outcomes from the PhD are expected to contribute to the tools currently in use by JRC. In particular this research is framed in the context of the HUMAINT (Human behavior and Machine Intelligence) team and AI WATCH initiative of the European Commission to monitor the uptake and impact of AI in Europe.

For more details about the position and the application process see the attached pdf document.