A coffee with… Noelia Ibáñez Escriche

  • Bon dia, first of all we would like to know you better so we ask you to introduce yourself to your colleagues, who is Noelia Ibañez?

Noelia Ibáñez Escriche holds a PhD in Agricultural Engineering, specializing in quantitative genetics, andactualment professora en el departament de Ciència i Tecnologia Animal. Dec actualment, porquring my career I have worked in several R&D institutions.national and international.In 2018 I joined the UPV definitively. with the idea of continuing to develop my career in this institution and contribute to it with the experience acquired during all these years.

  • What tasks will you develop in the new direction of ETSEAMN?

One of the main tasks that I carried out is the coordination, analysis, review and updating of study plansadapting them to technological developments, the needs of the labor market and society (quality and accreditation). For this there are three key points:

  • Relationships with teachers, centers and departments in the area.
  • The transversal coordination of the different Academic Commissions of the Degrees.
  • Promote the internationalization of the degrees.

The work of the school is to ensure that we generate knowledge and train professionals who contribute, in a sustainable way, to food safety, the environment and the economic growth of society.

  • What is the impact of ETSEAMN on Valencian society?

The ETSEAMN’s impact on Valencian society is indisputable.. Sectors such as agriculture, livestock, forestry and environment have a fundamental role in the development of society. The optimization of processes and new technological and biotechnological tools improves competitiveness while minimizing environmental impact.

Our job is to ensure that we generate knowledge and train professionals who contribute, in a sustainable way, to food safety, the environment and the economic growth of society.

ETSEAMN is a unique school with a great variety of profiles, both of students and teachers.

  • What position does ETSEAMN occupy in the UPV community?

ETSIAMN is the oldest school of the UPV and a reference in many of the key areas of a University. If we compare it with other engineering schools, due to its idiosyncrasy (more diversity of subjects, experimentalism, etc…),is a unique school with a great variety of profiles, both of students and teachers..

  • Currently, what is your biggest challenge at a professional level?

Whatmy experience and work at the UPV serve to ensure that the knowledge generated heretinga un impacte en la societat.

  • Going into a more personal and distant perspective, what motto or phrase serves as your inspiration?

“Canviar no sempre equival a millorar, però per a millorar, cal canviar”.

  • Will Elon Musk end up with Twitter or will the opposite happen?

No idea, time will tell

  • If Twitter disappears, will you switch to Mastodon?

No, ja ho use

  • La pizza, amb o sense pinya?

Personalment sense pinyabut it is always necessary to try everything.

  • In winter, socks to sleep in?

Maiwith a good Nòrdic or blanket is enough for me.

  • Holidays, sea or mountain?

Why choose? Si puc en les dues, ejjeje,

  • Finally, coffee alone or with milk?

To always eat lunch with milk (no sugar)), then it all depends on the family you have.