
Study a degree at the ETSEAMN

The School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment is located within the Universitat Politècnica de València, in the Vera Campus. Its numerous modern facilities make this School optimal for teaching and research. It is a school in expansion, with international projection, which opens new horizons for all its students and offers them numerous academic activities and comprehensive training.

Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology

The Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology aims to train professionals capable of researching, innovating, developing and improving biotechnological processes, tools and materials in the areas of health, food, agriculture, livestock and aquaculture, forestry production, energy, environment and industry.

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Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology

The Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology brings together a large number of scientific disciplines that contribute to the knowledge of the three basic pillars of food: food processing and preservation, food quality and safety, and the food-health binomial. In this sense, the aim is to train professionals with knowledge in the development, preservation, transformation, packaging, distribution and use of safe, nutritious and healthy food.

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Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Graduates in Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Environment manage the production and distribution of food. They do so from a broad perspective, as they know, develop and apply science and technology for agricultural and livestock production, the organization and management of agricultural enterprises, rural planning and development, and the implementation of agricultural infrastructures. All this in an environmentally friendly, economically profitable and socially beneficial way.

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Bachelor’s Degree in Forest and Environmental Engineering

The objective of this degree is to train responsible professionals in the sustainable management, preservation, restoration and planning of the natural and forest environment, dealing with both ecosystem services and the use and subsequent industrial transformation of its resources. All this in an environmentally appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable way. The degree enables the development of the regulated profession of Technical Forest Engineering.

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