A coffee with… Ana Albors

We talked with Ana Albors Sorolla, professor at ETSEAMN and deputy director of the area of “Teaching Coordination and Innovation.

  • Bon dia, first of all we would like to know you better so we ask you to introduce yourself to your colleagues, who is Ana Albors?

SocDegree in Biological Sciences from the University of Valencia and PhD in Food Science and Technology from the UPV. I started my doctorate stage combining it with my first position as a research technician on a temporary basis.

Subsequently, I passed the competitive examination as a senior laboratory technician in the department of “Food Technology” and I performed these functions during my first six years.At the end of the doctoral stage I applied for a teaching position in the teaching unit of “Food Engineering”, first of titular d’Escola universitària i posteriorment titular d’Universitat.Become part of the“Institut Universitari d’Enginyeria d’Aliments per al desenvolupament”. since its creation and in it, I have developed my research work in different lines of research that have evolved throughout my time at the university.

Likewise, I have occupied different management positions: at the school as Secretary of the former ETSMRE, at ETSIAMNand I participated in the merger process of all two schools in 2010. I have worked asArea director in the vice-rectorships of Alumni and Teaching with different rectorial teams,in addition to an interesting period in the university ombudsman’s office as an assistant to the ombudsman.

This diversity of functions has allowed me to maintain a continuous learning about the UPV, as well as to be able to work alongside great professionals and people who are or have been part of it.

This diversity of functions has allowed me to maintain a continuous learning about the UPV, as well as to be able to work alongside great professionals and people who are or have been part of it.Last year I had a new learning opportunity through a development cooperation program in Uganda.

Extracurricular….soc mare de dos fills adolescentsdaughter, sister, sister-in-law and granddaughter of a large and proud family.

  • What tasks will you develop in the new direction of ETSIAMN?

Com a sDirector of “Coordinació i Innovació Docent”. I will assume coordination tasks in different areas. More intensively inPrograms that are “insígnia” UPV as the PIAE+, the Praktikum or promoting PIMES to the School.. As for the people who are part of ETSEAMN, we carry out the service at the Punt Blau to colleagues and students.

The School is a living community, formed by generations of professionals, students and graduates.

  • What position does ETSEAMN occupy in the UPV community?

For meThe School is a living community, made up of generations of professionals, students and graduates.. We are an important part of the university and we are interconnected with it so intimately that it is difficult to separate what we do from each other.I couldn’t tell you where each one begins and ends.

  • Currently, what is your biggest challenge at a professional level?

Within the wide range of options that we are fortunate to have as PDI in the University, my challenge is tois to provide effective support to the new generations of students during their university careers,improve my performance as a teacher and at the same time be able to combine it with research and management activities..

Every day is a new learning opportunity, even to fall down and laugh again in good company.

  • Going into a more personal and distant perspective, what motto or phrase serves as your inspiration?

I like the following Japanese proverb:“No matter how many times you fall, the important thing is that you always rise with a smile.” .

Alwaysyou need to keep moving forward in the face of the inconveniences that life presentslearning from others and from our mistakes. Every day is a new learning opportunity,to fall back and laugh again in good company.

  • If Twitter disappears, will you switch to Mastodon?

For the momentI will consult LuZia GPT to see what she recommends.. I think I still have an app on my phone.

  • La pizza, amb o sense pinya?

If it is in Florence, both versions are fine.

  • In winter, socks to sleep in?

It depends on the place and the night,si és freda i al poble sens dubte calcetins nadalencs.

  • Holidays, sea or mountain?

El meu cor és de muntanya and the paradise in the house that my parents built for their 6 daughters in Montanejos. But if it’s beach time, I won’t be sorry either.

  • Finally, coffee alone or with milk?

I like coffee with milk and if it can be accompanied by my favorite dessert “Tatin de poma”.