Slowly in space

Anti-propellant inventions workshop

Tuesday, March 26th, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Aula B-0-5 of the Faculty of Fine Arts. UPV
Pre-registration required

The new space race is no longer a distant speculation. MIT, NASA, Forbes or The Time have called it the New Space Economy, a term that reduces our relationship with outer space to extractions and transactions. The speeds at which the latest private projects occupy the galaxy leave little room for rethinking the ethics under which we relate to other orbital realities.

Slowly in space, this is the first of a cycle of workshops which aims to question the rhythms of occupation of the galaxy. In it, we will focus on the notion of race in its strictest sense. Through speculative design, we will imagine and prototype hypothetical deceleration devices taking as the core of action the reaction and propulsion engines integrated in the Falcon 1-9.

The workshop is given by: Irene Sanchez Mora

Poster and image of @sarasanzgallen_