XXXII CRUE-Sustainability Conference

The Vice-rectorate for Sustainable Development of Campus attended the CRUE-Sustainability sectorial commission held on May 17, 18 and 19 at the University of Burgos, whose thematic area focused on the biodiversity and climate, as a challenge for universities. The program of the conference included lectures and presentations on the thematic axis, in addition to the usual meetings of the working groups (Evaluation of University Sustainability, Environmental Improvements in University Buildings, Participation and Volunteering, Occupational Risk Prevention, Curricular Sustainability, Sustainable University and Mobility, Healthy Universities, University Urban Planning and Sustainability, and Gender Policies).

The UPV has participated in the sessions of the University and Sustainable Mobility and the University Sustainability Assessment groups, whose coordinator is Cristina Martí Barranco, head of the UPV Environment Unit. Specifically, in the presentation of the results of the latest, Cristina Martí presented the report ‘Diagnosis of the Environmental Sustainability of Spanish Universities 2022‘.

Finally, the UPV also had the opportunity to present the thematic scope and progress of the XXXIII Conference to the Executive Committee of CRUE Sustainability. These conferences will take place at the Vera campus on 25, 26 and 27 October 2023 and will be entitled ‘University and City: Towards Climate Neutrality‘.