Presentation “White Paper on the interrelation between Art, Science, Technology and Society in Spain”.

From the Vice-Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society of the UPV, we invite you to attend the presentation of the White Paper on the interrelationship between Art, Science, Technology and Society in Spain, which will take place next Thursday June 20 at 18h at the Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània (CCCC).


18:00  Presents. Moisés Mañas. ACTS Network Coordinator in the València Node.

18:15  Participations:

  • Pablo Camacho Bolós. Coordinator of the Strategic Project: Art, Science, Technology and Society (ACTS) – Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, FECYT.
  • Tere Badía. HacTe, Barcelona Hub for Art, Science and Technology.
  • Salomé Cuesta. Vice Rector of Art, Science, Technology and Society, Universitat Politècnica de València.

19:00  Projects Artistic Residence ai2 UPV:

  • Paula Nisihima. Synthetic Symbiosis Contest
  • Carla Alcalá. What Is It Like To Be A Synthetic Organism?

The book is published by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), as part of its Strategic Plan to promote the interrelationship between Art, Science and Technology and foster inclusive and sustainable leadership. In line with the European strategies of Cluster 2 and The New European Bauhaus, the White Paper on the interrelation between Art, Science and Technology in Spain, originally published between 2006 and 2007, has been updated. This new document, prepared with the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture and Sport and a group of specialists, offers an updated and transversal perspective of the ACTS (Art-Science-Technology-Society) field in 2023, providing data, reference cases and opinions that seek to inspire new projects and spaces of knowledge.