Podcast ‘The University of the Future’

Episode 11 of the podcast series ‘THE UNIVERSITY OF THE FUTURE’ is entitled ‘The environmentally sustainable university’.

This week we propose to know if the university fulfils its duties to the environment, cares for its environment and how is committed to the fight against climate change. But… what is an environmentally sustainable university? What are the organisms that control that the university is ecologically sustainable? Who sets those parameters to which we aspire?…

Our two guests today respond to this and much more: Dionisio Ortiz Miranda, Professor of Economics and Agrarian Policy at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences and director of the New Green Transition Chair at the UPV. Cristina Martí Barranco, an agricultural engineer from the UPV and head of the Environment Unit belonging to the Vice-rectorate for Sustainable Development of the Campus, is also the coordinator of the Working Group for the Evaluation of the Sustainability of Spanish Universities (GESU) of the CRUE Spanish Universities.