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Thursday 12th June 2014
Registration and Poster Hanging
Conference: "Doctors and PhD students in the Europe of Knowledge", by Dr. Guy Haug, international expert in evaluation and development of universities and higher education systems.
Roundtable: The value of the doctorate in employability and development of the professional / research career.
Dr. José E. Capilla. Vice-Rectorate for Research, Innovation and Transfer, UPV
Dr. Daniel Ramón. Scientific Director and CEO of the company Biópolis S.L.
Dr. Francisco Pérez. Research Director at the Valencian Institute of Economic Research and full university professor at the University of Valencia.
Dra. Consuelo Guerri. Head of the Cellular Pathology Lab at the Príncipe Felipe Research Center.
Dr. Teodoro Estrela . Head of the Hydrological Planning Office at the he Júcar Hydrographic Confederation
Coffee break and visit to the Poster Area
Oral presentation of the ten selected Poster
Lunch break
Pitch Challenge
Cultural closure

EMAS upv