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Rules and format

Rules and format for the VIII Meeting of UPV Doctoral Students

Participants who have made posters or presentations in previous editions may re-participate, but with a different job.

Papers presented and selected in previous editions will not be considered if they are re-submitted.


Posters must have DIN A0 size and vertical orientation.

A copy of the poster must be submitted electronically in a PDF file, identified with the name and surname of the author, through the inscription application.

Posters should include:

  • Short title.
  • Author's name and doctoral program in which the student is enrolled.
  • Director(s) and contributor(s) data.
  • General and specific objectives.
  • Main stages of research development.
  • Expected results and potential profits.
  • Most relevant bibliography.

In the preparation of posters, it is recommended:

  • Do not introduce too much information.
  • Use diagrams, graphs, figures, photos, ...
  • Use a relatively large font size.
  • Use colours to differentiate parts and highlight the most relevant .

The following aspects will be assessed:

  1. Structure:
    The structure of the poster helps its comprehension. The poster presents all the necessary sections with the appropriate content to convey the message.
  2. Format and legibility:
    The poster contains visual elements that facilitate readability and comprehension. Examples of possible evidence: It appropriately uses colour codes, figures, tables, images and other visual elements in a way that makes it easy to read and understand.
  3. Bibliography:
    Includes sources of documentation and extracts relevant information.
    It presents crucial information about the poster's approach and is correctly cited.
  4. Would you invest in this research? If you were in a position to fund this research project, would you do so?

If the poster is selected (it will be communicated by e-mail), the PhD student must bring it printed in the specified format (DIN A0-vertical) to the Hall of the Nexus building (building 6G) of the UPV between 8:30 and 9:30 on the same day of the Meeting.

A PDF file with the poster must be attached when registering for the Meeting.

Oral Presentations (Pitch Challenge)

The presentations will be timed within exactly three minutes duration. Must be very effective in communicating:

  • Goals
  • Main stages of research development.
  • Expected results and potential profits.

The following aspects will be assessed:

  1. Adjustment to the time (3 minutes timed)
  2. Clarity of presentation
  3. Would you invest in this research?

If the presentation is selected (this will be communicated by e-mail), the PhD student will receive instructions on how to send the file to be used on the day of the meeting (PowerPoint file, etc.).

For the selection of the works presented in this format, the PDF document summarising the presentation (maximum 3,000 characters without spaces) must be included on the registration website of the Meeting. The same PDF must consist of the presentation's visual support material (copies of slides, etc.).

EMAS upv