Sports Area
people practice sports at the UPV
Our objective: to improve the wellbeing and health of the university community and to transmit values through sports that reinforce the integral formation of the university community.

UPV Sports News
- Summer schedule of sports facilities, Vera campusThe sports facilities of the Vera campus will be closed on the weekends of June 29 and 30 and all weekends in July. The facilities maintain their regular schedule from Monday to Friday until July 31. They will remain closed during… Read more: Summer schedule of sports facilities, Vera campus
- UPV Women’s Cycling Team in the Cahllenge de la Comunidad ValencianaOn Saturday Andrea Soldevilla won the overall victory after more than 25 km solo. And on Sunday Maryoly Sosa got the victory with a great teamwork where he would get ahead of its main leader and yellow jersey overall. And finally… Read more: UPV Women’s Cycling Team in the Cahllenge de la Comunidad Valenciana
- ETSII wins the XXXII UPV TrophyThe School of Industrial Engineering wins the XXXII edition of the UPV Trophy with a very disputed classification. Two schools reach the final of the sports day with 43 points accumulated in the different game modalities and according to the tie-breaker… Read more: ETSII wins the XXXII UPV Trophy

Get to know the full range of sports
Sports Programs

Horario a la carta de 7.40 a 22.30 horas, dirigidas por monitores especializados.

Competiciones UPV
Las ligas y Torneos en las modalidades de deportes de equipo, raqueta e individuales.

Competiciones interuniversitarias
El Campeonato Autonómico de Deporte Universitario, los Campeonatos de España Universitarios y las competiciones internaciolales.
Sports Projects

Deporte federado
La competición al más alto nivel: la Sección UPV o los Clubs con convenio.

Deporte femenino
Actividades, competiciones y eventos pensados para la participación de las mujeres.

Deporte Inclusivo
Modalidades deportivas adaptadas para personas con discapacidad. ¡Practica deporte sin límites!

High-level athlete care office
Support for elite athletes to reconcile their academic obligations with their sports careers: occasional exemption from attendance, exam postponements, change of group…
Aimed at UPV students who can prove their status as high-level athletes or high-performance athletes..