Progress UPV PlanSIRVE
Approved plans and programs
The plans and programs approved at the Strategic Development Committee (SDC) meeting held on 24/03/2023 are shown below;
UPV_Sustainable Goal
Objective: To position the UPV so that its three campuses achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.
- Infrastructure program;
- Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Program
- UPV decarbonization program
- Environmental Sustainability Program Infrastructures
- Sustainability Program and Green Plan;
- UPV Living Lab . initiatives program;
Objective:Develop stable and alternative sources of financing.
- Patronage Project (Social Council)
- Sponsorship Office (VIC)
- STEAM Chair (Social Council)
- In-company professorships (VEFP)
- Infrastructure program (VCAMPUS)
- Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Program (VCAMPUS)
- UPV decarbonization program (VCANPUS)
- Venue Equipping Program (VCAMPUS)
- Support for the research management needs of new funds by the research structures (VIT)
Objective:Adapt the structure of the UPV for a flexible management of shared resources that allows to face the changes required by society.
- Cultural programs (VACTS)
- UPV decarbonization program (VCAMPUS)
- Explorer Program (B Santander) (VEE)
- Infrastructure program;
- Space equipment program;
- Information System Integration. UPV Employment Observatory (VEFP)
- Co-financing to improve technological capacity building, quality and interoperability of curriculum information management systems or CRIS systems (VINV)
- CPI Foundation (VIT)
- Strengthening the actions and strategy of UPV Innovation (VIT)
- PIME Innovation and Educational Improvement Program (VPOA)
Goal UPV_International
Objective:To be a university of international reference in STEAM studies, responding to the needs of society and stimulating the vocations of present and future students;
- Erasmus Scholarship Program
- International Recruitment Program
- Program for the dynamization and internationalization of university master’s degree studies (DINT) (VECAL)
- International Quality Seals Program (VECAL)
- Special talent attraction programs (VEFP)
- R&D&I line for the development of models of relationship with society (CS)
- Research Structures Evaluation and Promotion Program (VINV)
- Program Development, dissemination, a. and v. of information and results (VINV)
- Explorer Program (B Santander) (VEE)
- English-language institutional counseling program;
- International Brand Development Program;
- Map of titles and development of new methodologies (VPT)
- No Borders Program 23-24
- SAIC certification program with AUDIT INTERNATIONAL (VECAL)
- UP!STEAM Chair (CS)
- Patronage Office
- International Volunteer Program;
- PRAKTIKUM . program;
Objective:Promote and strengthen alliances with universities and companies of international prestige for the benefit of the socioeconomic environment.
- Patronage Office
- Erasmus Scholarship Program
- Own exchange promotion program/ PROMOE B SANTANDER / Euromovex
- APICID Program;
- Program of actions with foreign institutions;
- R&D&I line for the development of relationship models with society;
- Horizon Europe Program (VIT)
- IDEAS Program (VEE)
- Berkeley Agreement Program (VEE)
- Entrepreneurship Program B SANTANDER/Berkeley STARTUPV semester (VEE)
- B SANTANDER/ UC Berkeley B-Stay Program
- UPV Employment Forum (VEFP)
- No Borders Program 23-24
- MERIDIES program;
- Cooperation Program
- International Volunteer Program
Goal UPV_Relevante
Objective:Intensify the positive impact of academic knowledge on the socioeconomic fabric and the environment.
- R&D&I line for the development of relationship models with society;
- Cultural programs;
- Art and Heritage Fund;
- STARTUPV . acceleration training program;
- Chairs in Business
- Employment Observatory UPV
- Information System Integration. Employment Observatory UPV.
- Microcredentials. Quality Systems;
- Program of actions with foreign institutions;
- Program for the evaluation and promotion of Research Structures
- Aid program for first research projects
- Aid program for research groups
- UPV Research Awards
- Program Elaboration, dissemination, a. and v. of information and results
- Open publication of articles by UPV authors in ACS, Wiley, Elsevier and Springer publishers by 2023
- Co-financing to improve the technological capacity, quality and interoperability of curriculum information management systems or CRIS systems
- CPI Foundation
- Strengthening the actions and strategy of UPV Innovation
- Venture Builder
- Spin-UPV
- Preparatory actions;
- Commercial Action. UPV-innovation licensing
- Digital learning office and launching of digital learning communities at UPV
Objective:Consolidate the reputation and leadership of the UPV in social transformation;
- R&D&I line for the development of relationship models with society;
- Cultural programs;
- Assistance to the university community with disabilities
- CEDAT Foundation Program
- Programa Pacte valencia violencia genere i masclista
- Code of Ethics + Diversity Project
- Collaboration agreement between the Generalitat, through the Vicepresidència i Conselleria d’Igualtat i Polítiques Inclusives, and the UPV for the promotion of activities that incorporate the gender perspective in a transversal way (women)
- Collaboration agreement between the Generalitat, through the Vicepresidènc Conselleria d’Igualtat i Polítiques Inclusive, and the UPV for the promotion of activities in the field of equality in diversity (diversitat)
- Federated Sports and Sports Club
- Programming of the Escola d’Estiu
- Healthy Universities Program;
- Dining room scholarship assistance;
- Social Action Aid (student tuition)
- Social Action Aid due to unforeseen circumstances (student tuition)
- Aula STARTUPV València Emprende.
- International Recruitment Program
- Patronage Office
- No Borders Program 23-24
- English-language institutional counseling program;
- International Brand Development Program
- Cooperation Program;
- International Volunteer Program;
- Program for the evaluation and promotion of Research Structures
- Support to the research management needs of new funds by the research structures
- UPV Research Awards
- Co-financing to improve the technological capacity, quality and interoperability of curriculum information management systems or CRIS systems
- Map of titles and development of new methodologies
Objective:To foster the transdisciplinary nature of research, innovation and transfer activities, promoting their permeability towards teaching;
- R&D&I line for the development of relationship models with society;
- Art and Heritage Fund;
- UPV decarbonization program
- Program for the dynamization and internationalization of university master’s studies (DINT)
- Program for the evaluation and promotion of Research Structures
- Evaluation of the research activity of permanent and temporary contracted personnel (Sexenios)
- Aid program for first research projects
- Acceleration transfer in the health sector. UPV-innovation engaging
Objective:Develop partnerships with social institutions and public administrations.
- R&D&I line for the development of relationship models with society;
- Cultural programs;
- Cultural programs;
- Art and Heritage Fund;
- Programa Pacte valencia violencia genere i masclista
- Code of Ethics + Diversity Project
- Collaboration agreement between the Generalitat, through the Vicepresidència i Conselleria d’Igualtat i Polítiques Inclusives, and the UPV for the promotion of activities that incorporate the gender perspective in a transversal way (women)
- Collaboration agreement between the Generalitat, through the Vicepresidènc Conselleria d’Igualtat i Polítiques Inclusive, and the UPV for the promotion of activities in the field of equality in diversity (diversitat)
- Sports scholarships and grants;
- Federated Sports and Sports Club
- Healthy Universities Program;
- Mobility program between universities of the Xarxa Vives
- Program B SANTANDER Progreso
- Aula Startupv València Emprende.
- Program of the Valencia City Council Agreement
- Program of the Agreement Consellería Agriculture, DR, EC, TE.
- Program of the Agreement Consellería P. Territorial, O. Públicas y Mov.
- Program of the Vice. 2ª, Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture
- IVACE Agreement Program
- MERIDIES Program
- Cooperation Program;
- International Volunteer Program;
- Acceleration transfer in the health sector. UPV-innovation engaging
Goal UPV_Vital
Objective:To accompany talent and promote the well-being and involvement of UPV staff by building an organization that anticipates and continuously adapts to the needs of society.
- Cultural programs;
- Assistance to the university community with disabilities
- CEDAT Foundation Program
- Programa Pacte valencia violencia genere i masclista
- Code of Ethics + Diversity Project
- Collaboration agreement between the Generalitat, through the Vicepresidència i Conselleria d’Igualtat i Polítiques Inclusives, and the UPV for the promotion of activities that incorporate the gender perspective in a transversal way (women)
- Collaboration agreement between the Generalitat, through the Vicepresidència i Conselleria d’Igualtat i Polítiques Inclusives, and the UPV for the promotion of activities in the field of equality in diversity (diversitat);
- Federated Sports and Sports Club
- Programming of the Escola d’Estiu
- Welcome Plan
- Healthy Universities Program;
- DOCENTIA Program
- Linguistic counseling program
- Language Certification Promotion Program (PLAN LINGUAE)
- IDEAS program;
- PDI and PAS . mobility programs;
- Mobility program between universities of the Xarxa Vives
- B SANTANDER UC Berkeley B-Stay Program
- Erasmus Scholarship Program;
- No Borders Program 23-24
- Research personnel training program
- Post-doc program of excellence;
- Program Development Action Plan “HR Excellence in Research”
- Evaluation of the research activity of permanent and temporary contracted personnel (Sexenios)
- Aid program for first research projects
- Aid program for research groups
- Support to the research management needs of new funds by the research structures
- Program elaboration, dissemination, a. and v. of information and results
- Open publication of articles by UPV authors in ACS, Wiley, Elsevier and Springer publishers by 2023
- Co-financing to improve the technological capacity, quality and interoperability of curriculum information management systems or CRIS systems
- Doctoral Thesis Support Program
- Program to support the professional careers of teachers and administrative and service staff;
- PDI and PAS competency training program
- PIME Innovation and Educational Improvement Program
- Digital learning office and launching of digital learning communities at UPV
- Training program for the professional development of the PAS-PI
Objective:To promote the attraction and retention of research talent by improving working conditions at the different stages of the research career.
- International Recruitment Program
- Research personnel training program
- Post-doc program of excellence;
- Program Development Action Plan “HR Excellence in Research”
- Evaluation of the research activity of permanent and temporary contracted personnel (Sexenios)
- Aid program for first research projects
- Aid program for research groups
- UPV Research Awards
- Open publication of articles by UPV authors in ACS, Wiley, Elsevier and Springer publishers by 2023
- Co-financing to improve the technological capacity, quality and interoperability of curriculum information management systems or CRIS systems
- Doctoral Thesis Support Program
- Teacher career support program
- Digital learning office and launching of digital learning communities at UPV
Objective:To generate an academic offer in which each student is the center of the teaching-learning process that continues throughout life.
- Assistance program for the university community with disabilities;
- Sports scholarships and grants;
- Sports-related awards
- Scholarships of the Escola d’Estiu
- AVAP . degree monitoring and accreditation program;
- MINORS_UPV . program;
- Language Certification Promotion Program (PLAN LINGUAE)
- PIAE programs;
- Program B SANTANDER Progreso
- Dining room scholarship assistance;
- Social Action Aid (student tuition)
- Social Action Aid due to unforeseen circumstances (student tuition)
- Entrepreneurship Program B SANTANDER/Berkeley startupv semester
- Program B SANTANDER mobility Full Explorer
- Training actions for employability. Preparation of materials (Santander Bank Agreement)
- PIC classrooms (maintenance/renovation)
- Micro credentials. Quality Systems
- Competency training program
- PIME Innovation and Educational Improvement Program
- Casa del alumno Program;
- Complementary training for undergraduate students, university masters
- University Ombudsman Plan/Program
- Harmonization of masters and other UPV degrees
- To build student loyalty at the end of their regulated studies
- To be a benchmark for lifelong learning
Objective:Improve employability and increase entrepreneurship of students and staff.
- Language Certification Promotion Program (PLAN LINGUAE)
- Explorer Program (B Santander)
- STARTUPV . acceleration training program;
- Berkeley Agreement Program
- MSA B SANTANDER Scholarship Program;
- B SANTANDER UC Berkeley B-Stay Program
- Entrepreneurship Program B SANTANDER/Berkeley startupv semester
- Program B SANTANDER mobility Full Explorer
- Aula Startupv València Emprende.
- Chairs in Business
- Program of the Valencia City Council Agreement
- Program of the Agreement Consellería Agriculture, DR, EC, TE.
- Program of the Agreement Consellería P. Territorial, O. Públicas y Mov.
- Program of the Vice. 2ª, Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture
- IVACE Agreement Program
- Training actions for employability. Preparation of materials (Banco Santander Agreement)
- Special programs for talent recruitment
- Employment Forum UPV
- Employment Observatory UPV
- Information system integration. Employment observation UPV.
- Erasmus Scholarship Program;
- Own exchange promotion program/ PROMOE B SANTANDER / Euromovex
- Program for the evaluation and promotion of Research Structures
- Competency training program
Goal UPV_Excellent
Objective:Promote transformative teaching models that incorporate and train in the arts, science and cutting-edge technology.
- Infrastructure program;
- Space equipment program;
- Model Doctoral Program
- Map of titles and development of new methodologies
- “Office of digital learning and launching of digital learning communities at the UPV”
Objective:To stimulate the generation of knowledge of excellence and its valorization in collaboration with companies and institutions;
- Post-doc program of excellence;
- Model Doctoral Program
- Program for the evaluation and promotion of Research Structures
- Program Elaboration, dissemination, a. and v. of information and results
- Co-financing to improve the technological capacity, quality and interoperability of curriculum information management systems or CRIS systems
Objective:Improve the experience of different stakeholders, integrating management systems through inter-unit collaboration;
- Program for the evaluation and promotion of Research Structures
- Program Elaboration, dissemination, a. and v. of information and results
- Co-financing to improve technological training, quality and interoperability of curriculum information management systems or CRIS systems;