What an IP is?
Intensive Programme is a short programme of study which brings together students and teaching staff from higher education institutions of at least 3 countries.
Who the partners are?
MobWeb was an idea that started in 2010, after previous Erasmus initiatives among three partners:
Universitat Politècnica de Valencia Alcoi Campus Alcoi, Spain (Main coordinator) |
Lahden Ammattikorkeakoulu Lahti, Finland |
Universitatea din Oradea Oradea, Rumania |
Main goals:
About MobWeb
And this are the project numbers:
More Information:
If you want more information about that you can acces to the Mobweb web page
MobWeb IP
And you can also contact with our Mobweb coordinator:
Contact: | e-mail: |
Jordi Linares Pellicer | jlinares@dsic.upv.es |