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International Office

Our Goal

The International Office manages the international contacts of the Alcoi Campus. We also offer students who wish to do so, the opportunity to study in Europe or elsewhere in the world, in one of our partner universities for one-semester or one-year study in our Bachelor, Master or PhD study programs.


From Monday to Friday: 10:00 - 13:00

Contact Profiles

And this is the people you will find in the International Office. For any advice or question, please feel yourself free to contact with the correspondent person.

David Gutiérrez Vañó

International Office Coordinator
Teacher, Staff mobility and International projects

e-mail: dgutier@upv.es

Phone: 96 652 84 07



David Cuesta Frau

Vice Director for International Relations
International affairs.

e-mail: dcuesta@disca.upv.es

Teléfono: +34 963 877 000 - Ext.24459


Raquel Córcoles Gonzalez

Professional programs coordinator

e-mail: racorgon@upv.es

Phone: +34 966 528 552




“Live an unforgettable experience with us in Alcoy Campus” – David Gutiérrez.

“Adaptation is the key” – Ana Moya.

The International Office staff of Alcoi Campus welcomes you


EMAS upv