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Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering Alcoi Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering

4 years
240 credits

Credit 17,34€

GPA for admission 8,89

75 openings

Presentation of the degree

Computer systems enable to enjoy an improvement in the quality of life. In this regard, computer engineering is currently key in the design and production of all types of projects related to banking, online purchases, vehicles and home automation. Computer engineering trains qualified professionals to direct and coordinate teams that study the needs of companies and individuals and develop solutions

The curriculum includes five specializations of which three are studied at the Escuela Politénica Superior de Alcoy.

Qualifying undergraduate degrees giving access to a regulated profession. 

Qualifying undergraduate degrees giving access to a regulated profession.

This degree is internationally certified with the EURO-INF quality label. 

This degree is internationally certified with the EURO-INF quality label.

Career opportunities

There currently is a high demand for graduates in computer science. Graduates are trained to manage companies in the ICT sector as well as IT departments, taking on positions of responsibility in the development, management and administration of computer systems. They will be able to carry out their work in disciplines such as artificial intelligence, multimedia design, computer animation, videogame programming, mobile device programming, computer systems security, medical informatics, home automation, etc.

International mobility and internships

Informatics Engineering students have great flexibility to continue their studies in international destinations. There are agreements in place with many of the best European universities. The internship completes the training of the students since they favour their incorporation into the professional world with a reinforced technical and professional experience.

Further studies

With this degree students can access the Master's Degree in Informatics Engineering, which allows them to pursue the profession of informatics engineer. Bedsides, students may access the following university master's degrees taught by the UPV: Automation and Industrial Informatics; Artificial Intelligence, Recognition of Forms and Digital Image; Business Administration; Cloud and High-Performance Computing; Computer and Network Engineering; Information Management; Materials Engineering, Science Processing, and Characterisation; Organisational and Logistics Engineering; Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems, and Textile Engineering.

As in the rest of the cases, students may apply for admission to any UPV master's degree by taking the appropriate levelling courses.


Credits for obtaining the degree

Basic courses Compulsory Elective Internship TFG Total
60,00 93,00 75,00 0,00 12,00 240,00
This bachelor's degree is part of a
UPV bachelor's degree + master's degree programme.

EMAS upv