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Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Physics Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Physics

4 years
240 credits

Credit 17,34€

GPA for admission 12,58

75 openings

Presentation of the degree

This degree is designed to provide the training in communications physics and engineering necessary to access a solid professional career in research, development and innovation in the field of integrated communication with photonics and nanotechnology.

The curriculum has been developed with a special focus on interdisciplinarity between scientific and technological subjects, and offers broad, rigorous and harmonious training in the traditional fields of mathematics, physics, communication technologies and computing. In this way, it aims to give students the qualification and versatility necessary to face the technological challenges in communications and computing currently posed by the continuous advances in nanoscience and photonics.

Career opportunities

The communications technology sector, driven by continuous advances in nanotechnology, computing and photonics, has been experiencing very significant business and industrial growth. This degree allows graduates to join companies and institutions both in the development or execution of their projects and in the definition and supervision of their innovation and research strategies.

International mobility and internships

The School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSIT) has a wide network of universities with which it is possible to carry out international mobility agreements for students of this degree. Likewise, the research groups involved in the definition and development of the degree have a strong tradition of international collaboration with universities and companies. The degree offers the possibility of doing external internships, up to 18 ECTS, in its last semester, in companies or institutions of this technological sector.

Further studies

The interdisciplinary nature of this degree allows its graduates to access specialized master's studies in various fields. In the field of information and communication technology, the UPV offers master's degrees, the closest to this degree being the Master's Degree in Communications Technologies, Systems and Networks. Various universities offer master's degrees in photonics, a specialization that can also be accessed in various master's degrees in applied physics. Students may also apply for specializations in the field of quantum science, technology or information, as well as in the general field of nanotechnology and nanoscience. There is a very wide offer of master's degrees in all these fields, both in the Valencian Community and in the whole of Spain.


Credits for obtaining the degree

Basic courses Compulsory Elective and internship TFG Total
60,00 138,00 30,00 12,00 240,00

EMAS upv