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NOVEMBRE Jazz UPV Festival 2017

+ Info: Web NovembreJazz UPV




Novembre 2017 continues to boast some of the most prominent artists from the Valencian and Spanish jazz scene. The growing stylistic plurality of contemporary jazz is reflected in a diverse programme, ranging from the classicism implicit in Jordi Vilà’s project on the work of the double bassist Oscar Pettiford, or in the duet of Albert Bover and Horacio Fumero, to the Afro-Cuban jazz of Alexey León, the contemporary language of Miquel Asensio or the experimentation of Baldo Martínez’s Cuarteto Europa. They will all find a way to evoke the figure of Tete Montoliu, unforgettable Spanish jazz pioneer, who died 20 years ago.



Campus de Vera - Alfons Roig Auditorium. 20:00h

Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Jordi Vilà: Pettiford Moods
Rafael González / tenor saxophones   ·   Luis Suria / piano   ·   Andrés Soler / drums  ·  Jordi Vilà / double bass

Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Baldo Martínez: Cuarteto Europa
Samuel Blaser / bass trombone  ·   Dominique Pifarely / violin  · Baldo Martínez / double bass ·   Ramón López / drums and percussion

Thursday, 23 November 2017
Albert Bover / Horacio Fumero: Dúo
Albert Bover / piano   ·   Horacio Fumero / double bass

Friday, 24 November 2017
Miquel Asensio: Senda Nova
Javier Vercher / saxophones   ·   Luis Guerra / piano  ·  Reiner Elizarde "El Negron" / double bass   ·   Miquel Asensio / drums

Campus de Alcoy,  Ovidi Montllor Student Residence, 20:00 h

Thursday, 23 November 2017
Jordi Vilà: Pettiford Moods
Rafael González / tenor saxophone  ·   Luis Suria / piano   ·   Andrés Soler / drums  ·  Jordi Vilà / double bass

Campus de Gandía, Aula Magna EPSG, 20:00 h

Thursday, 23 November 2017
Alexey León: Cuban Connection
Perico Sambeat / saxophones   ·  Iván “Melón” Lewis / piano  ·  Carlos Sarduy / trumpet  ·  Frank Durand / drums   ·   Dany Noel / electric bass

EMAS upv