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Summer programs

Summer Programs

ALCOI Campus has hosted six summer programs from the American University of Notre Dame (Indiana) who have chosen this university as the host for its summer program.

Universitat Politčcnica de Valencia
Alcoi Campus
Alcoi, Spain
American University of Notre Dame
Indiana, USA

This is the sixth year that the prestigious American University of Notre Dame (Indiana) has choosen the Campus of Alcoy. Along with 33 students Dr. Edward Wolf has also traveled, and he was the visiting lecturer for the summer program development.

Among the activities they intend to undertake are included the visits to museums in Alcoy, in the Font Roja, Valencia, Granada and Toledo. The programs also includes visits to the factories "Olives The Serpis" "Playmobil", "Vossloh" and another importants companies.

We are pleased to collaborate with such a university, one of the very best in the United States, ensuring great academic relationships between our intitutions. Our special collaboration also confirms the atractiveness of our Alcoi Campus for academic exchanges, relationships, teaching and research.

Would you like to cooperate with Alcoi Campus?

If you are interested in cooperating with us in this way, please send us an email with your summer program proposal to Ana Moya, check the Campus International office contact list:

International Office

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