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Agricultural transformations and policies
Economía Rural y Agroambiental Líneas de investigación Agricultural transformations and policies  ...

The analysis of the processes of structural change in Spanish and European agricultures is a consolidated field of work carried out by the research team. Our studies have aimed to unfold which transformations take place behind aggregated censuses data, deepening into a microeconomic analysis to understand farmers’ strategies and the several factors conditioning holdings’ pathways. These analyses have paid special attention to the impact of agricultural policies and their capacity to steer the evolution of agriculture. Likewise, some Doctoral and Master Theses have shown the usefulness of the methodological tools utilized in these studies when applied in the analysis of structural change and the role of policies in the agriculture of some Latin American countries.

Some publications

Moreno, O.M., Arnalte, E. and Ortiz, D. (2011) Breaking down the growth of family farms: A case study of an intensive Mediterranean agriculture. Agricultural Systems, 114: 500-511.

Arnalte, E., Ortiz, D. and Moreno, O. (2008) Cambio estructural en la agricultura española: Un nuevo modelo de ajuste en el inicio del siglo XXI. Papeles de Economía Española, 117: 59-73.

Moreno O.M. and Ortiz, D. (2008) Understanding structural adjustment in Spanish arable crop farms: policies, technology and multifunctionality. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(2): 153-165.

Arnalte, E. (Dir.) (2006) Políticas agrarias y ajuste estructural en la agricultura española. Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentación. Serie Estudios. Madrid.

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