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Erasmus+ 2015

The UPV, a European benchmark in mobility, obtains more than two million euros from the EU for student and staff exchanges in 2015-2016

[ 01/07/2015 ]
Erasmus+ 2015

The Universitat  Politècnica de València (UPV), internationally recognised as one of the main European benchmarks in student mobility, continues to reap financial support and rewards, thanks to its excellent work in this field.

The last of these rewards consists of more than two million euros, granted by the European Union (EU) through the Erasmus+ 2015 programme. Since January 1st, 2014, this has been the successor of the historic Erasmus programme, which became a real social and cultural phenomenon; born in 1987 to promote student exchanges –around four million students a year–, it was bestowed the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation in 2004.

The UPV receives more than 920.000 euros for 186 mobilities just to non-Erasmus+ countries

The UPV's success in this field has, for instance, meant receiving 921.571 euros –through the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE)– from the Erasmus+ 2015 fund for promoting the mobility of people between member countries and associated countries not belonging to this programme. This is the second largest amount obtained by a Spanish university for this purpose, surpassed only by that awarded to the University of Granada.

In this way, the UPV's request, granted by the EU, will allow it to manage 186 extra mobility cases to/from 14 countries that are not members of the Erasmus+ programme.

The EU's decision will award the UPV more than 735.000 euros for the beneficiaries' maintenance costs, plus almost 134.000 euros for their travel costs. Additionally, more than 52.000 euros will also be given to the UPV by the SEPIE for the purpose of supporting the organization and management of activities.

59 Spanish universities have applied for financing from this section of the Erasmus+ programme, some of them having done so as university consortiums. 33 applications have been granted funding, whereas 26 have been rejected. The beneficiary institutions receive an average of 300.000 euros per project, which is less than a third of the funding obtained by the UPV thanks to its good work of previous years.

Martínez Rubio: "This will allow us to expand our collaboration with internationally recognized universities, which will benefit both students and professors"

Juan Miguel Martínez Rubio, who is the director of the Rector's Office and is also responsible for the UPV internationalization policy, states: "We are very pleased. This is the first time that this fund for mobility cases to/from countries outside the European Union has been created, and the UPV’s results are outstanding."

"This iniciative", continues Martínez Rubio, "will allow us to expand our collaboration, through Erasmus+, with internationally recognised universities, and both students and professors will benefit from this."

1.250.000 euros for exchanges with the 28 EU member countries, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Macedonia and Turkey

To this funding must be added the financial support for exchanges with the countries which are members of the Erasmus+ programme, that is to say, the 28 EU member states plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Macedonia and Turkey. The UPV has received 1.250.320 euros for this purpose. Here are included the traditional Erasmus scholarships, known now as Erasmus+ mobilities.

"Taking into account only EU grants", Martínez Rubio has pointed out, "the UPV will receive more than two million euros, which in the 2015-2016 academic year it will allocate to promoting student and staff exchange with European universities, and with universities from the rest of the world. We have other mobility programmes -Sicue, Promoe, APICID, etc.-, but the Erasmus+ programme is definitely the one behind most mobilities."

Thanks to all these exchange programmes, in 2014-2015 a total amount of 1.347 UPV members have been able to stay at some other university. Next year, they will be joined by the 186 extra mobilities obtained by the UPV in the first edition of the Erasmus+ fund for exchanges with associated countries.

The UPV ranks 6th regarding the amount of students received, and 7th regarding that of students sent abroad, among the 4.500 European universities that take part in the programme

The UPV has been part of the international elite of student exchange for years now. At the end of 2013 it received the third prize at the Erasmus Excellence awards given by the European Commission -through its Directorate-General for Education and Culture- in recognition of its management of staff mobility.

The last official data published by the European Commission show that the UPV ranks 6th among the approximately 4.500 European universities that have joined the programme as regards the amount of students received every academic year (1.359), and 7th as regards the number of students sent abroad (1.305).

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