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"El Mundo" Ranking


The UPV is the best university in Spain to study Biotechnology and Fine Arts, and ranks second in Agricultural Engineering and Computer Engineering

The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)  is the best university in Spain to study Biotechnology and Fine Arts, according to the 2014 ranking of the 50 most popular degrees published by the newspaper El Mundo.

In addition, the UPV ranks second among all the universities in Spain in Agricultural Engineering and Computer Engineering, third in Civil Engineering, fourth in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Telecommunications Technology Engineering, and fifth in Architecture.

Of the 50 degrees most requested by students, the UPV teaches 17, and in 9 of them it ranks, as we have just seen, among the country's top 5 universities, which shows its excellence in educational quality

11 consecutive years leading the ranking in Fine Arts

The UPV leadership in the Fine Arts degree cannot be disputed. In 2014 the UPV Faculty of Fine Arts leads the El Mundo ranking for the 11th consecutive year. This newspaper highlights its "variety of elective subjects (over a hundred), its cátedras de empresa (company-university partnerships) and its reasonable tuition fees."

In addition, the newspaper's special issue mentions the Faculty's "wide range" of offered studies, "complete with plenty of official master's degrees with access to doctoral studies and several UPV-specific degrees with a professional approach."

Biotechnology rises from third to first place in the classification

But the most prominent leap forward in this year's ranking has certainly been the one by which the UPV Biotechnology degree has gone from being third in Spain to lead this country's ranking, by beating the two other universities which had previously been ahead: the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

El Mundo points out that this is a "highly requested" degree, including "high performance groups (teaching in English)", and that "it is possible to specialize in Human and Animal Biotechnology, and in Plant and Food Biotechnology."

The UPV continues to grow

The UPV's advance in El Mundo ranking -as in all significant rankings- is once more considerable. This university goes from being the best in Spain in one degree to being first in two, and from having eight degrees among the country’s top five to having nine. It also improves its position in four degrees, and in two of them (namely, Telecommunications Technology Engineering, and Architecture), in which the UPV was not among the top five in 2013, this year it ranks 4th and 5th respectively, thus entering the Spanish top five.

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