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7. Comissiķ Interuniversitāria d’Estandaritzaciķ d’Acreditacions de Coneixements de Valenciā (CIEACOVA)
Servei de Promociķ i Normalitzaciķ Lingüística Regulations VALENCIAN COURSES AND CERTIFICATES 7. Comissiķ Interuniversitāria d’Estandaritzaciķ d’Acreditacions de Coneixements de Valenciā (CIEACOVA)  ...

The Interuniversity Commission for the Standardization of Accreditations of Knowledge of Valencian (CIEACOVA) consists of members of the language services of the following universities: Universitat de València - Estudi General, Universitat Politècnica de València, Universitat d’Alacant, Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Universitat Miguel Hernández d’Elx, Universitat Cardenal Herrera-CEU and Universitat Catòlica de València - Sant Vicent Màrtir. CIEACOVA was born from the agreement signed by these universities for the mutual recognition of the certificates of Valencian issued by their respective language services.

CIEACOVA has, among other, the following functions:

– Analyse and evaluate proposals for the recognition of the certificates of accreditation of linguistic competence in Valencian issued by the universities signing the agreement.
– Prepare and publish the catalogue of certificates of accreditation of linguistic competence in Valencian issued by the signing universities that may be issued under the agreement.
– Coordinate the interuniversity accreditation tests leading to certificates of knowledge of Valencian recognized by the JQVC (Knowledge of Valencian Qualification Board).
– Determine the model of accreditation examinations corresponding to the certificates that are issued within the framework of the agreement.

CIEACOVA web site

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