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Descripción del título


Introduction and Objectives

The Master's Degree in Forestry Engineering (MUIMO) qualifies students to practise the regulated profession of Forestry Engineer, while the Master's Degree in Bioenvironmental and Landscape Engineering (MUIBIP) trains professionals from the world of Engineering and the Environment who can analyse, diagnose, plan and manage projects from the perspective of Bioenvironmental and Landscape Engineering. Environmental Engineering, because this is the field in which the competencies, skills, abilities and learning outcomes to be developed fall, and with the prefix "bio", because it is in the field of biosystems (agri-food, forestry and the natural environment) where they will mainly be developed.

The double degree allows students to acquire the competencies of both master's degrees through an integrated academic pathway. All of this in lesser time and financial cost than the cost of obtaining both master's degrees individually. Thus, a student instead of taking 150 ECTS

of this double master's degree, adding 90 ECTS from the MUIMO and 60 ECTS from the MUIBIP in 3 academic years, takes 129 ECTS in two academic years.


Structure of the master's degree

Semester A ECTS Semester B ECTS
Renewable Energies in the Forest Environment (OB) 5 Economics of Environmental Services (OB) 5
Forestry Marketing ((OB) 5 Environmental Management in Forestry (OB) 5
Forest Planning (OB) 5 Management and Direction of Forestry Companies (OB) 5
Forestry and Natural Environment Policies (OB) 5 Forest Breeding (OB) 5
Wood Technology (OB) 5 Management and Protection of the Natural Environment (OB) 5
Technology of Forest Industrial Processes (OB) 5 Forestry Projects (OB) 5
Semester A ECTS Semester B ECTS
Principles and Tools for Landscape Ecology (OB) 6 Engineering of Pollution Treatment Installations for the Agroforestry Sector (OB) 3
Pollution in the Agroforestry Environment (OB) 6 Solid waste treatment and management (OB) 3
Territory and Landscape Analysis in Engineering (OB) 6 Life Cycle Analysis and Carbon Footprint of Agroforestry Products and By-products (OB) 3
Environmental Assessment of Projects (OB) 3    
Environmental and Landscape Restoration (OB) 6 General Elective (OPT) or Internship in a Company 6
Plant Communities in Environmental Restoration (OB) 3 Master Ph. MUIMO 12
    Master Ph. MUIBIP 12

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