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Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Technologies Gandia Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Technologies

4 years
240 credits

Credit 17,34€

GPA for admission 6,38

50 openings

Presentation of the degree

Do you like programming and electronics? The aim of the degree is to train professionals capable of creating new products and services based on interactive technologies. These interactive technologies include the hardware and software that allows the interaction with the five senses of human beings and their environment (nature, home, city, work...). Some examples are video games, biometrics, augmented reality environments, smart cities applications or the internet of things.

We use project-based learning. Throughout the degree, and from the first year, you will work as a team on projects on: Web design and programming, the Internet of things and mobile applications, Multimedia applications and video games, Biometrics and environment applications, Robotics, Augmented reality and virtual reality environments.

Career opportunities

Interactive technologies are a growing market and are used in virtually all areas of society (entertainment and tourism, culture and education, home automation, environment, smart cities, health and quality of life...). So students can work both in companies that develop interactive products and services and in those that consume them.

In addition, entrepreneurial students, thanks to the technological and business knowledge taught in the degree, may start their own Technological Startup.

International mobility and internships

The School encourages the mobility of its students, including internships abroad, for which it has signed a large number of exchange agreements with universities all over the world. The School has signed a large number of paid internship agreements with companies in the technology and audiovisual sector.

Further studies

Students may also take any UPV university master's degree by taking the appropriate levelling courses. Furthermore, there are several master's degrees both in Spain and in other countries that delve into the different topics developed in the projects of this degree: video games, internet of things, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, mobile applications and robotics.


Credits for obtaining the degree

Basic courses Compulsory Elective Internship TFG Total
60,00 150,00 18,00 0,00 12,00 240,00

EMAS upv