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Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts

4 years
240 credits

Credit 17,34€

GPA for admission 10,62

350 openings

Presentation of the degree

The main purpose of the Degree in Fine Arts is the training of professionals of visual arts and visual artists. To this end the degree develops techniques and processes in the different areas of creation and provides students with knowledge of artistic expression, both classical and contemporary. In addition to encouraging the creativity of students, the degree implies socialising aspects; the relation with the environment and access to the labour market has become a key point in the training of the last years of the degree.

Career opportunities

You can develop artistic creation in any expression: painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving, photography or design, creativity in the audiovisual field and new technologies and also in other aspects related to the analysis of art: cultural expert, artistic consultancy, curator, artistic direction or art critic. Teaching and window dressing, set design or illustration will be within your abilities.

International mobility and internships

The internships are carried out in industrial, textile, ceramic, audiovisual or graphic design; publishers, antique dealers, decoration and photography studios; art galleries, cultural foundations, museums; and in advertising agencies. They are voluntary and represent a first contact with the business world, valid for the professional curriculum. Besides, it can be validated by free-choice credits. There are several internship programmes in overseas companies.

You can spend from three to ten months (that is, a full academic year) in one of the 120 universities in 35 different countries with which the School has exchange agreements in place.

Further studies

The Degree in Fine Arts enables access to the following university master's degrees taught by the UPV: Artistic Production, and Visual Arts and Multimedia.

It also grants access to any university master's degree from the UPV by taking the appropriate levelling courses.


Credits for obtaining the degree

Basic courses Compulsory Elective Internship TFG Total
60,00 69,00 102,00 0,00 9,00 240,00

EMAS upv