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Bachelor's Degree in Geomatic and Surveying Engineering Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Bachelor's Degree in Geomatic and Surveying Engineering

4 years
240 credits

Credit 17,34€
Give access to scholarships

GPA for admission 5,05

75 openings (+25 in PARS)

Presentation of the degree

In the Degree in Geomatics and Surveying Engineering, we offer training in geospatial technologies that allow the capture, management, modelling, analysis and representation of geographic information associated with the territory, through the training in the use of different techniques and methodologies such as remote sensing, photogrammetry, satellite positioning and navigation systems, geodesy, geophysics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as applications in engineering and building works, the environment, land registry or cartography development and management. In addition, a special attention is paid to the use and development of automation of geospatial information management procedures.

This degree is internationally certified with the EUR-ACE quality label. 

This degree is internationally certified with the EUR-ACE quality label.

Career opportunities

Positioning and navigation by satellite, geographic information systems, implementation and geometric control of civil works, analysis of the subsoil; geodesy, surveying, creation of cartography for land registry and territorial planning; capture and analysis of geolocalized aerial data; environmental and heritage applications. Emergency management.

International mobility and internships

The School, through its International Office, maintains mobility agreements with over 80 universities in 22 countries in Europe and America. In addition, it has double degree agreements with ESTP Paris (France) and FH Karlsruhe (Germany). Furthermore, the agreements signed between the School and companies, associations and Public Bodies offer a wide variety of paid tutored internships.

Further studies

Offer of the integrated Degree in Geomatics and Surveying Engineering and Master's Degree in Geomatics and Geoinformation Engineering.

In recent decades, the democratization of geographic information, the massive use of free data, smart cities, the management of large volumes of geographic data from satellites, etc. have made geoinformation, previously reserved to the cartographic world, a tool usually used by citizens as a whole. The set of advanced procedures, information management and applications are taught in the studies of the Master's Degree in Geomatics and Geoinformation Engineering.


Credits for obtaining the degree

Basic courses Compulsory Elective Internship TFG Total
60,00 144,00 24,00 0,00 12,00 240,00
This bachelor's degree is part of a
UPV bachelor's degree + master's degree programme.

EMAS upv