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A 4-year strategy

The UPV's plan to become a more sustainable university is in the hands of the entire community

[ 22/09/2023 ]

Are we a sustainable university? What is the commitment of the Universitat Politècnica de València to real sustainability? Is the university community meeting the goals set? These and other questions are answered in the UPV's Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility 2023-2027, a document drawn up based on the answers obtained in a survey conducted on the three campuses - Vera, Gandia and Alcoi - in May 2022. And these were the results.

The university community behaviour

The most significant fact is how the university community arrives at each campus. At the Alcoi campus, 51% of the people surveyed said they go to the campus on foot, the highest figure collected at the three UPV campuses. 43% go to the university in a private vehicle, while the use of public transport falls to 4%, and the use of bicycles and scooters, 2%.

In Gandia, the private vehicle prevails: 40% of the people surveyed opt for this transport, followed by those who arrive on foot -28%-, and very closely by public transport users -23%-. The bicycle or scooter is the least used to get to the Gandia campus, with 9% of people.

On the Vera campus in Valencia, behaviour is less polarised. Most people -33%- arrive at the campus by private vehicle, 27% of people who arrive by public transport, 22% who opt for bicycle or scooter, and 18% who come on foot.

Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility

Following these results, the Environment Area prepared the Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility 2023-2027, a document that can be fully consulted at this link.

The objectives set out in this plan are to carry out an efficient and participative management of mobility; to promote walking, cycling and the use of public transport; to encourage the rational use of private vehicles; to minimise the number of accidents due to mobility, both for internal and external travel; and to promote education and participation of the university community in this area.

And they all have one thing in common: the participation of the entire university community is necessary.

Seven strategic lines

But how do you plan to achieve these objectives? The Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility has set seven strategic lines, each with specific goals in form and time.

Strategic Line I: Mobility management and promotion of new technologies.

In this first line, the collaboration with local agents of Valencia, Gandia and Alcoi, the promotion of teleworking, and the development of a web portal that integrates information on transport networks to access the Vera campus, as well as a mobile app to allow the purchase and validation of tickets are established as objectives.

Strategic Line II: Promotion of pedestrian travel.

To promote this strategy on the Vera campus, the objectives include the creation of shaded pedestrian routes that allow crossing the campus, the pedestrianisation of the P1A surface parking lot or improving the continuity of the pedestrian route south of building 8P.

Strategic line III: Promotion of bicycle mobility

In this case, the objectives are to hold talks with the city councils of Valencia, Gandia and Alcoi to promote a network of bicycle lanes in the areas near the university, the study of a bicycle and scooter loan system for mobility within the UPV; the installation of closed parking for bicycles and electric scooters in the subway parking lots of the three campuses and aid to UPV staff aimed at promoting the use of bicycles.

Strategic line IV: Promotion of the use of public transport

This line is based on improving train and bus services in the three campuses, creating a shuttle bus line connecting the North Station with the Vera campus and offering discounts or financial aid to the university community to promote public transport.

Strategic Line V: Rational use of private vehicles

Through the management of motor vehicle parking at the UPV, the promotion of carpooling to the UPV, and the installation and management of chargers for electric cars on the three campuses.

Strategic line VI: Management of the distribution of goods and outsourced services.

A line intended to be followed by drawing up a plan of loading and unloading areas on the campuses, as well as a timetable and promoting sustainable mobility in outsourced services.

Strategic line VII: Awareness and participation of the university community

This last line has set as objectives to be achieved in the coming years: the celebration of Mobility Week in September and the promotion of the participation of the university community through the proposal of Living Lab actions related to sustainable mobility.

The Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility is the tool that will guide the university community to make the Universitat Politècnica de València a more sustainable university, one of the objectives established in the SIRVE Strategic Plan.

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