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XXII Social Council Awards

The UPV Social Council celebrates the talent festival and awards prizes to the best students and teachers at the university, as well as to companies and research initiatives

[ 04/07/2023 ]

The 22nd edition of the UPV Social Council Awards has recognised the best students and teachers of the UPV, highlighting the importance of collaboration between universities and companies, and innovation and research projects.

The event was held in the Paraninfo of the UPV and attended by the rector, José E. Capilla; the president of the Social Council of the UPV, Monica Bragado; the subdelegate of the Government, Raquel Ibáñez and the Valencia City Council spokesperson, Juan Carlos Caballero.

During her speech, the president of the Social Council of the Universitat Politècnica de València, Mónica Bragado, explained that these awards are an optimistic look towards the future: "Today we celebrate the festival of talent, in which entrepreneurial and prepared students, innovative lecturers, as well as companies, as well as UPV allied companies committed to science and research, participate. Undoubtedly, the perfect combination for a society that demands leadership in sectors such as science, technology and medicine, among others".

Bragado also praised the effort and commitment of students and teachers and described the UPV as a beacon of knowledge and progress: "The university has become an engine of talent that moves different generations. A space for training and the future that brings together people with the same concerns: to advance, create and improve".

In this sense, the president thanked the students and lecturers for having making the university a prestigious, benchmark and stimulating centre, placing it as one of the top universities with the most significant employment opportunities in the country and among the 500 best universities in the world for 12 consecutive years.

University - company collaboration

This edition highlights the importance of recognising and rewarding young talent; for this reason, 13 of these 38 awards are in the category of Best UPV Student, which rewards academic career and talent, as well as personal attitude.

Finally, the president explained that, with these awards, "it is the 22nd year in which the Social Council has sought to recognise the importance of collaboration between universities and companies, innovation projects and recognition of the excellence of students and teachers".

The event featured performances by the 4th year Spanish group from the Professional Dance Conservatory of Valencia, directed by Esther Garcés.

List of awards

Best Official Master's Degree of the UPV Award

University Master's Degree in Sustainable Chemistry

Best Doctorate Programme at the UPV Award

PhD Programme in Textile Engineering

Academic Excellence at the UPV Award

In the category of Academic Excellence of University Academic Staff:

Francisca Ramón Fernández, from the Department of Urban Planning

Julio Juan García Sabater, from the Department of Business Organisation

Valeriana Naranjo Ornedo, from the Communications Department

Víctor Yepes Piqueras, of the Department of Construction Engineering and Civil Engineering Projects

Silvia Martínez Llorens, of the Department of Animal Science

Ana de los Dolores Tomás Miralles, from the Drawing Department

In the category of Academic Excellence of Junior Academic Staff:

Fernando Hernández Guijarro, Department of Economics and Social Sciences

Nadia Alonso López, Department of Audiovisual Communication

Mª Isabel Pleguezuelos Rodríguez, Department of Drawing

In the category of Outstanding Academic Career:

Jaime Primo Millo, Department of Chemistry

Best UPV Student Award (for each School or Faculty)

For the School of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering:

Javier Antón Salvador, Degree in Biotechnology

For the School of Civil Engineering:

Christian Arnal Palacios, Degree in Civil Engineering

For the School of Construction Engineering:

Marta Aurora Guallar Lamiel, Degree in Technical Architecture

For the School of Industrial Engineering:

Antonio Poveda Serrano, Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering

For the School of Computer Engineering:

Eduardo Santos Escriche, Degree in Computer Engineering

For the Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoy:

Víctor Atienza Soler, Degree in Mechanical Engineering

For the Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia:

Pau Picó Catalá, Degree in Audiovisual Communication

For the School of Architecture:

Tatiana Leonidova, from the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture

For the School of Design Engineering:

Javier González García, Degree in Aerospace Engineering

For the School of Geodesy, Cartographic and Topographic Engineering:

Álvaro Verdú Candela, Degree in Geomatics and Topography Engineering

For the School of Telecommunications Engineering:

Lidia Fargueta Pelufo, Degree in Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering

For the Faculty of Business Administration and Management:

Ana Pastor Merino, Degree in Business Administration and Management

For the Faculty of Fine Arts:

Carmen Framiñán Galán, Bachelor's Degree in Design and Creative Technologies

Best Research Structure at the UPV Award

Institute of Materials Technology

Award for Innovation in Management, awarded "ex aequo":

UPV Entrepreneurship Area, for the Business Incubation and Acceleration Programme

Communication Area, for the new format of Open Days at UPV

Award for Social Responsibility at the UPV

In the category of Corporate Social Responsibility:

Espurna Foundation

In the category of University Social Responsibility:

Volunteering UPV

Best Chair at the UPV Award

Chair Alcoy, City of Knowledge

University - Society Cooperation Awards

In the category of Cooperation in R&D&I:

Logifruit Iberia

In the category of Internships in Business and Employment:

Capgemini Spain

In the category of Knowledge Improvement at the UPV:

CiènciaLAB Workshops, from the UPV's Communication Area

Chair in Management and Business Culture Awards

In the Startup category:


In the Best Project category:

First prize: Utopia

Second prize: Farsave

In the category Best Manager:

Miguel Ángel Juan Bello

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