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Spanish grading system (higher education)


The grading system in place at Universitat Politècnica de València is the same for all institutions of higher education in Spain.

The students' performance is assessed using a 0 to 10-point grading scale, where “0” corresponds to the lowest possible grade and “10” corresponds to an achievement of 100% of the learning objectives.

Grades are expressed in numbers from 0 to 10 with 1 or 2 decimal points (if applicable) and registered as listed below, from lowest to highest score

  • 0-4,9 out of 10: "Suspenso" (FAIL)
  • 5-6,9 out of 10: "Aprobado" ("pass")
  • 7-8,9 out of 10: "Notable" ("remarkable")
  • 9-10 out of 10: "Sobresaliente" ("outstanding") *
  • Matrícula de Honor (MH): special distinction for students with a grade equal. or higher than 9 (specific rules apply which limit the number of such distinctions according to the number of students enrolled).

The grade point average (GPA) is calculated according to the following principle: sum of the credits earned by the student multiplied by the corresponding grade of each course (subject), divided by the number of total credits obtained by the student.

Some credits obtained through credit recognition or corresponding to extracurricular activities (student clubs, sports, student representatives, cooperation and volunteering, etc.) will have no numerical score but only a “PASS” score and will not be computed when calculating the academic average.

In certain courses (subjects) in sciences, health-related and engineering degrees, it is relatively frequent to find a small number of students who obtain scores in the upper ranks of the grading scale, especially in core courses (requirements) in degrees which confer a professional qualification (direct access to chartered status).

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