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UPV Art Collections and Heritage
Área de Fondo de Arte y Patrimonio UPV UPV Art Collections and Heritage  ...

In the last decade, the UPV Art Collection has grown exponentially, building a highly diversified corpus of heritage which currently exceeds one thousand pieces. It has been put together from a range of sources like donations, acquisitions and deposited works. It is undoubtedly a significant corpus of relevant pieces in the context of museumworthy objects belonging to Spanish Universities.

Due to this particular relevance, work is currently being done to automate the collection, designing procedures and control mechanisms that permit accessibility at all times and correct future conservation.

The collections that form part of UPV's Art and Heritage Collection are:

  • UPV Art collection - Colección del Fondo Arte UPV.
  • UPV sculpture campus - Campus escultórico UPV.
  • Toy Museum - Museo del Juguete. (ETSID) www.museojuguete.upv.es
  • Computer Museum - Museo de Informática. (ETSINF) museo.inf.upv.es
  • Collection of Telegraph and telecommunications equipment - Colección de Equipos de Telégrafos y telecomunicaciones. (ETSIT)
  • Art Collections from the San Carlos Fine Arts Department - Fondos artísticos Facultad de Bellas Artes de San Carlos. (FBBAA)
  • UPV Agricultural Museum - Agromuseo UPV. (ETSIAMN)
  • 'El Molinar' collection of machinery and instruments - Colección de Maquinaria e Instrumental 'El Molinar' Alcoy (EPSA)

EMAS upv