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4º Seminario GEID

Production potential and structural changes in agriculture. Polish example of the influence of EU integration 

Wawrzyniec Czubak, Ph.D. candidate, Poznan University of Life Sciences; Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (Poland) will tell us about his experience and recent findings about "Production potential and structural changes in agriculture. Polish example of the influence of EU integration". 

The seminar objective is to present the results and confront the approach to the evaluation and economic analysis of the EU Common Agricultural Policy. It is essential to discuss the achieved results and future of the CAP after 2013 from the perspective of the various EU countries. Scientific aim is to introduce the methodology and indicators used for evaluation of the CAP. It may become starting position for the development of international cooperation in this respect.

Seminar will take place Thursday, May 22th at 12,30am at the  Economics and Social Sciences Department of the UPV, ETSIAMN, Building 3C, second floor.



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