In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established 11 February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Throughout this week, many activities are carried out to make the work of women in STEAM fields more visible, thus helping to generate female references that can contribute to the choice of these areas as professional careers.

This year, the protagonists of 11F at the UPV are researchers from our university and girls who dream of being like them. They are also great references in the STEAM world, inspiring the scientists of tomorrow.


We invite you to discover them all in each of the activities ACOM UPV has prepared for this 11F!

Science is cool!

To celebrate 11 February, UPV researchers have opened the doors of their laboratories to the women scientists of tomorrow.


Their challenges, their references, their experiences… eleven female researchers from the UPV are the protagonists of a new season of Ellas Hablan de Ciencia.


She Inspires

Interview with Sara García-Alonso

We spoke to one of the great current references in the world of science and research: Sara García-Alonso, a tenured researcher at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) and a member of the European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut reserve.

Dones de Ciència

36 murals to make visible and pay tribute to national and international women scientists, an initiative of UPV and the Las Naves Innovation Centre of the Ajuntament de València, in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

#11F #11FUPV