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Changing your studies

One of the aims of the UPV is to step up international cooperation through exchange visits and collaboration agreements

Internationalization at UPV depends mainly on the Rectors's Office and partly on the Vice-Rectorate for Social Responsibility and Cooperation. The Rector's Office not only coordinates and promotes UPV's internationalization policy and international relations but also cooperation, learning, teaching and research with an international dimension. In addition to the accreditation in local and foreign languages the Rector's Office also promotes faculty and student participation in national and international exchange programmes.

The Vice-Rectorate for Social Responsibility and Cooperation coordinates the promotion of solidarity attitudes among the university community with less developed partners.

Several functional units provide guidance and support regarding foreign academics, researchers and students willing to share the international experience with UPV through short and long study periods, summer schools, teaching or research stays, international projects, and the like.

These four functional Units include:

  • International Exchange Programmes Office (OPII)
    OPII coordinates the participation of our University in different Academic Exchange Programmes world-wide, facilitating students and UPV staff mobility.

  • International Affairs Office (OAI)
    OAI promotes international academic cooperation projects (PCI, Erasmus Mundus, etc.) as well as training programmes and other joint academic initiatives in agreement with universities around the world.

  • Language Centre (CDL)
    The Language Centre offers different services in the field of foreign languages to the whole university community.

  • Centre for Development Cooperation (CCD)
    The CCD promotes collaboration and participation of UPV in development projects with NGOs, Universities and International Organisations.

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