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Pre-enrolment dates Course

- BATCH 1: - Regular period , between 1 and 20 June , and the results will be available from 26 June.

- BATCH 2: Special period : between 8 and 12 September, and the results will be available from 14 September.

- BATCH 0,Non-EU resident students:

Students who do not have citizenship or legal residence in the European Union must pre-register in the " Zero batch " where the period for pre-registration starts in mid-November and ends in May.

This batch is aimed for foreign students who need to do some long bureaucratic procedures (obtain the acceptance letter, the visa ... )

You must have completed undergraduate studies when you request the admission in batch 0 since the required documents will be:

- Curriculum vitae.

- Academic degree .

- Academic record .

- Identity card (Passport, NIE ... ) .

- Certificate issued by the Institution indicated in the previous section, where there must be indicated that the provided degree makes possible the access to official postgraduate studies in the corresponding country. In addition, it must contain some center contact t information for a possible verification of the data.


There is a fee on the study of the equivalence of foreign qualifications (excluding those from the European Higher Education Area and those approved by the Spanish Ministry of Education) for the access to mastersŋs degree and doctorate . The tax fixed for this course is 155.22 Euros and it is possible to pre-register for a maximum of 4 masters's degrees ( it is a single payment ). This fee has to be paid as much for the pre-registration in batch 0 as for the regular/special pre-registration period.

There must be taken into account that the fee depends on the degree provided, therefore if more than one degree is provided there will be more than one fee for the study of the equivalence of each of them. In the same way if you already paid the fee in a previous course you don not have to pay it again. If the application requires you the payment please contact the Master Unit ( sal.master@upv.es) and inform about the situation before paying again.

You will find some detailed instructions for the payment of this fee in the section receipts in the pre-registration form. You need to follow these instructions to ensure the proper identification of each payment made with the application.

You can only pay the fee with the secure credit card payment ( POS )or printing the receipt and paying it in a Bankia office in Spain

EMAS upv