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Master's Double Degree in Civil Engineering + Hydraulic Engineering and Environment Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

The Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering (MUICCP) qualifies students to exercise the regulated profession of Civil Engineer. Civil engineers trained at the UPV have historically achieved a level of training which is highly recognised by society, whereby technical rigour is combined with the development of creativity, interdisciplinarity and respect for the environment.

The Master’s Degree in Hydraulic Engineering and the Environment (MUIHMA) provides specialised technical and research training in Water and Environmental Engineering. In a context of increasing social pressure on water resources, it is of vital importance to train experts in hydraulic engineering and the environment from both a professional and research point of view. On the other hand, European regulations (Water Framework Directive, 2000) imply the need to train professionals from a multidisciplinary perspective, such as the one taught in this master’s degree.

Therefore, a student who wants to acquire the professional skills to work as a Civil Engineer and, in addition, is seeking a professional or research specialisation in water and environmental engineering, has the opportunity, with this Master’s Double Degree, to receive comprehensive training that provides the professional qualification of Civil Engineer and a strong specialisation in Water and Environmental Engineering.

EMAS upv