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Charla y juego role-play de Ross Gruetzemacher

El investigador de la Universidad de Auburn impartirá una charla y organizará una sesión de role-play sobre el futuro de la IA.

Miércoles 20 (1F - Seminari 2S02): 3:00 to 5:00 pm: role-playing game: "Intelligence Rising".


Jueves 21 (1F - Sala de Juntes): 11:00 to 12:00 am: Talk: "Forecasting Transformative AI"


********* Role-Playing Game: Intelligence Rising ***********


"Intelligence Rising" is a Strategic Role-Playing game meant to effectively simulate and illustrate the possible paths by which artificial intelligence capabilities and risks might take in the world. It was designed by a group of researchers from Cambridge and Oxford to allow decision-makers to stress-test their assumptions, and develop a stronger sense of the possible impacts and meaning of the gradual development of AI.




********* Talk: Forecasting Transformative AI  *********


In recent years we’ve seen rapid progress in AI, and there are no indications that it will slow down. Many speculate that AI will have a transformative impact on society over the coming decades, but more rigorous techniques are required to reduce uncertainty so that governments and policy makers can be adequately prepared for such scenarios. In general, technology and innovation forecasting is very difficult, and forecasting progress in AI is even more challenging. Consequently, traditional forecasting techniques are insufficient and new methods are required.

This talk will discuss a holistic framework that I have proposed for forecasting transformative AI. This framework incorporates a broad range of techniques from surveys, to scenario planning, to forecasting tournaments, to data mining. I will give a broad overview of the wide variety of methods available to technology forecasters and outline the proposed holistic framework. I will then detail two new novel methods that I’ve developed, and I will report results from my efforts to evaluate some of the components of the framework. I will conclude by discussing my plans for future work and other valuable research questions in AI forecasting.



*********** Bio : Ross Gruetzemacher **********

Ross is a PhD candidate in business analytics at Auburn University conducting his doctoral dissertation on forecasting transformative AI. He spent the summer as a visiting researcher at the University of Cambridge and plans to visit the University of Oxford in 2020. He has attended over 15 conferences on AI and interviewed over 45 AI experts as part of his dissertation research. His primary research interests are in analytics and decision making, technology forecasting and AI strategy. He previously worked as a data scientist and has a background in computational and mechanical engineering. He has published in academic journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association and Big Data and Cognitive Computing, as well as in proceedings for conferences on AI, business and engineering.

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