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Shanghai Ranking 2016

The most prestigious university ranking system in the world endorses UPV as the best polytechnic university in Spain and the number one university in Valencia

[ 15/09/2016 ]
Ranking de Shanghái 2016

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2016, internationally known as the most prestigious university indicator due to the objectivity of its methodology, has recognized the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) as the best Spanish polytechnic university and the number one Valencian university.

This ranking, prepared by the Jiao Tong University of Shanghai, has supported the good work of the institution led by Francisco Mora, and maintains the high international status of UPV, which has been placed for the fifth year in a row, among the 200 best universities in the world in engineering.

Among the best 100 universities in the world in Mathematics and Chemistry

In the subject classification, the Shanghai ranking recognized UPV as an international elite university in Mathematics, Chemistry and Computing. Not insignificantly, it placed UPV among the best 100 universities in the world in Mathematics and Chemistry, and in the top 150 in Computing. In this last area, UPV has improved its results compared to the previous edition (151-200).

UPV, in the top 400 for the eleventh year in a row

The ARWU, the first world university classification published (the first edition was held in 2003) placed UPV for twelfth year in a row among the 500 highest quality universities in the world (there are more than 20,000 high education centers), and for eleventh year in a row, among the 400 best universities in the world.

UPV was the only university in the Comunidad Valenciana in the top 400, including public and private universities

The 12 ranked Spanish universities are public

It is important to note once more tsshat all of the Spanish universities included in the ranking are public. Besides UPV, ARWU 2016 recognized the quality of the University of Barcelona, Autónoma University of Madrid, Universidad de Granada, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Complutense University of Madrid, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of the Basque Country, University of Valencia and Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

UPV, internationally recognized by all top-level rankings

Apart from ARWU 2016, the other two main university rankings in the world, QS and THE, support the educational level of UPV. The QS World University Rankings, prepared by the consultancy firm Quacquarelli Symonds, placed UPV among the best 500 universities in the world—specifically, in the 411 position—in its latest edition (September 2015).

QS chose UPV as the best university of the Comunidad Valenciana, ranking it 160th in the world in Engineering and Technology, and in the top 200 in Forest Science.

In addition, the latest edition (April 2016) of the world ranking of the Times Higher Education (THE) journal chose UPV as one of the best 150 universities in the world under the age of 50 years and qualified it as the best Spanish polytechnic university..

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