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The Universitat Politècnica de València, ranked as the second best university in Spain and a point of reference in the Valencian Community.

[ 25/04/2016 ]

The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is the second best university in Spain, according to the fourth edition of the U-Ranking, which was presented this morning in Madrid.

Drafted by the BBVA Foundation and the Valencian Institute of Economic Research (IVIE), the U-Ranking analyses and assesses the three main areas of university activity: teaching, research and innovation and technological development. From these areas, it establishes a dual classification; by performance (taking into account the different sizes of each university) and in absolute terms (by volume results).

For the current edition, the U-Ranking incorporates information from 13 private universities, thus covering a total of 61 institutions, representing more than 95% of the Spanish university system.

National reference in innovation and technological development

In the overall performance calculation, the UPV ranks as best university in the Valencian Community and second best in Spain, matched with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Politècnica de Catalunya. Only the Pompeu Fabra university outperforms the results of the UPV at national level.

In that classification, the UPV ranks as second in innovation and technological development, fifth in teaching and seventh in research. In regards to absolute volume, it ranks as second, sixth and eighth in Spain respectively, and fifth in the overall classification.


The fourth edition of the U-Ranking has been developed by a team of IVIE researchers and specialists, led by Francisco Pérez, professor of Economic Analysis at the Universitat de València (UV) and Research Director at IVIE, and Joaquín Aldás, professor at IVIE and member of the UV.

For its development, the U-Ranking has had the collaboration of experts in the assessment of university activity and quality from more than a dozen higher education Spanish institutions.

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