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GreenMetric 2015

The UPV, the Spanish leader and the fifth best university in the world in energy efficiency and fight against climate change

[ 11/02/2016 ]
GreenMetric 2015

The GreenMetric index, which evaluates the environmental sustainability policies of higher education centres all over the world, has ranked the UPV as Spain's best university, and the fifth in the world, in energy efficiency and fight against climate change.

This recognition, which once more endorses the UPV's sustainability policies and commitment to the environment, gives a new boost to a university that is not only concerned with the pursuit of excellence in training, but also with promoting values and conditions which are fundamental to the present and the future of humanity.

Also among the top 30 in the world as regards waste management

The GreenMetric index, created by the University of Indonesia (UI), classifies centres according to six categories: energy efficiency and fight against climate change; waste management; water resources; infrastructure; promotion of clean transport; and environmental education.

In the first of them, the UPV's improvement has been significant: while it ranked 45th in the previous edition (2014's), it rose to 5th in the 2015 edition of the GreenMetric index.

This is not the only aspect in which the UPV stands out: it is also the 27th best university in the world regarding waste management, the 85th in the category of environmental education and the 102nd in water management. It should be noted that this ranking, led by the University of Nottingham, includes all of the world's leading universities (this year, the 407 most relevant ones have been evaluated).

The UPV, the Valencian leader and 64th in the overall ranking

With 5,782 points in total, the UPV ranks 64th in the overall index, and once more remains the best university in the Valencian Community regarding environmental sustainability policies.

Moreover, the UPV ranked 4th out of 21 Spanish universities taken into account, only after the University of Alcalá and the autonomous universities of Madrid and Barcelona.

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