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International prestige

"Times Higher Education"includes the UPV in the world elite of young universities for the fourth consecutive year

[ 18/05/2015 ]
Prestigio internacional

The Universitat Politčcnica de Valčncia (UPV) is, for the fourth consecutive year, among the 100 best young universities in the world, according to the prestigious "THE 100 Under 50" ranking, which is prepared annually by the British magazine Times Higher Education (THE).

This classification, which evaluates the most important institutions of higher level education which are less than 50 years old, provides an overview of present and future, since it takes into account the great potential of emerging universities.

The ranking is led by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) with 72.7 points, followed by two Korean universities: Pohang University of Science and Technology (Postech) -with 69.2 points- and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) –with 68.3.

A total score of 31.1

The UPV has obtained an overall average of 31.1 points: 26 in the indicator of teaching, 28.1 in that of international projection, 38.2 in transfer and innovation, 16.6 in research, and 50.7 in the impact (quotations) of scientific papers published.

Besides the UPV, five other Spanish universities are included in the ranking: the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, which ranked 12th; the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 29th; the Universidad Autonóma de Madrid, 46th; the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 80th; and the Universidade de Vigo, 88th.

Recalibrated methodology

For the preparation of this ranking, THE evaluated 13 indicators grouped into 5 categories, the same that are used for the ‘THE World University Ranking’. However, in the ‘THE 100 Under 50’ ranking, the methodology has been recalibrated in order to better reflect the special characteristics of the younger universities, with less emphasis on subjective indicators of academic reputation.

This compensates for the fact that the older institutions enjoy greater global prestige, based on their larger, wider and more stable networks of former students, and on the greater likelihood that their graduates occupy positions of responsibility both in universities and in society at large, which reinforces those universities’ reputation. Thus the ‘THE 100 Under 50’ ranking reduces the weight attached to reputation so as to give greater weight to other, more objective, indicators.

The UPV is Spain's only technological university to feature in all first-class rankings

The results obtained in this year's ‘THE 100 Under 50’ ranking reinforce the UPV’s leadership, as it is the only Spanish technological university appearing in all the major international rankings (Shanghai, QS, THE), no matter the items being evaluated or the methodology employed in each case.

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