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UPV Grant Extension Application
Grants Servicios UPV GRANTS UPV Grant Extension Application  ...
For UPV Area Managers
Unit Area Managers at the Universitat Politècnica de València can apply for extension of type A training grants financed by the University budget.

Normativa de Becas y Ayudas para Alumnos de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

Procedures via website:

Type A Collaboration Grants:
The maximum duration of the collaboration grant will be 12 months in the period within the academic year.
The possibility of an extension must be indicated at all times during the call.
The grants may be extended one time only and for a period not exceeding that originally planned for them. Under no circumstances may the period of collaboration plus the extension exceed the maximum duration indicated in the previous paragraph.

The request for extension must be made prior to the end of the collaboration period, at the latest at the beginning of the last month of the same, and must be accompanied by the certification of the existence of a budgetary allocation to tend to it, as well as the justification of its need.

EMAS upv