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Estudiantes de último Curso y recién titulados matriculados en la UPV 


We are re-launching the "Vulcanus in Japan" programme through the EU and SMP-Cosme Universities. 

The programme VULCANUS IN JAPAN offers industrial placements in companies in Japan to EU and SMP-COSME university students of engineering, high-tech or other scientific fields, enrolled -when applying- in between the 4th official year of studies and the penultimate year of PhD. 

The programme lasts one year, from September 2023 to August 2024.

You will find more information for your attention in the documents listed below.

Applications must be submitted online, by 20 January 2023. 

To prepare their application, students must obtain some documents from your university, including a certificate of enrolment (or equivalent document) in English. Below, all the relevant links (shareable with your students) with information on the programme and on the application process.

Should you require further details on this scheme, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Thank you very much for the interest you are showing in the Vulcanus programme.


Info on what is the Vulcanus Programme


Description (Vulcanus webpage) https://www.eu-japan.eu/events/vulcanus-japan 

Flyer with QR code https://www.eu-japan.eu/sites/default/files/imce/5-VJ_QR_CODE.pdf

Flyer in English https://www.eu-japan.eu/sites/default/files/imce/4-flyer_en_PERMANENT_fy23.pdf



Statistics (visual) https://www.eu-japan.eu/sites/default/files/imce/vulcanus_japan/tryptic_part2.jpg 

Video testimonials in English from former participants: https://www.eu-japan.eu/events/vulcanus-japan


Info on the application process


How to apply (& compulsory docs) https://www.eu-japan.eu/sites/default/files/imce/1-vj23-HOW_TO_APPLY.doc

Application form https://www.eu-japan.eu/sites/default/files/imce/2-afvj23.doc

Frenquently asked questions https://www.eu-japan.eu/sites/default/files/imce/3-vj23_FAQ.doc

EMAS upv